Continuing on with more gag comics!
This part covers pages 26 – 44
高慢な王女 (The Proud Princess)
神聖なるものく晴れ> (The Sacred One (A Clear Day))
By Kimie Takashi (峰君枝)
- The Hideto and Takuma referred to here are characters from the anime Planet Robot Danguard Ace (惑星ロボ ダンガードA[エース]), which aired from 1977-1978.
- Glasshouse is a separate mini book/pamphlet . More on that below.
- This is reference to the parable “Blind men and an elephant”
Remarkably, my copy of this doujinshi actually came with what I think is the aforementioned Glasshouse pamphlet, or at least one from the same series(?). I can only assume the previous owner ordered it back in the 80s, or perhaps bought it together with this book at an event. Regardless, here’s a scan of it.
Inside is a short comic about the author’s (Akio Kobayahi’s) struggle trying to get her doujinshi ready for an event. Kobayashi apologizes for the delay and for not responding to everyone’s letters asking what was going on. It seems she just finished getting the doujinshi printed the night before Comiket, only to discover that it was misprinted and missing pages… Instead, the book was sold at an event later in Nagoya.
Speaking of Nagoya, at the end of the gallery is something else that was included with my copy, a flier for a doujinshi and cosplay event that was held there, hosted by Comic Store.
Next are some more ads.

First is for a Danguard themed doujinshi, releasing in May of 1983.
If you follow me on social media, you probably recognize Peppermint Voice. I made a post about it with pictures here, but it’s a sci-fi and mecha focused anthology by the circle MECHANICAL, organized by Makoto Tateno and also released in 1983.

The last is for a doujinshi based on Galactic Gale Baxingar from 1983. Of note is the mention of the artist Lcy (留止), who appears in some Charma doujinshi from this time as well.
風呂あがりの情事 (After Bath Affairs)
By Miya Oka (岡美也)
- Mori Katsuji is Garma’s original voice actor, and also the voice of Ken Washio from Gatchaman
- Sazae-san (サザエさん) is an anime from 1969, and the longest running animated show of all time. The joke here is that Garma is drawn with lipstick similar to how Sazae looks in the end credits of the show. Here’s a video, timestamp around 1:00.
- Char’s hair looks like Youshichi Shimada’s, a member of the Japanese comedy duo B&B.
- No idea what this song has to do with the comic but it’s a banger
End of Part 2