Char’s Campaign (CCA) – Fifth Luna (Part 3)

Reporting from the Operations Department that with Sweetwater under our control, we are now able to carry out large-scale operations.

I would like to proceed with preparations for the global cooling operation immediately.

Understood. We’ll start drafting a strategy immediately. Please wait for the report.

Reporting from the Intelligence Department. It appears that Londo Bell has strengthened his forces, and Amuro Ray and Bright Noa have joined them. Please be careful.

Reporting that we have received a request from Anaheim’s Von Braun Factory to provide technology related to the Psycho-Frame.

Von Braun was developing mobile suits for the Londo Bell Corps, right?

Yes. In return they will provide us with the technology used to develop weapons for the Federation Forces. Should we agree to their request?

[Player choice: YES]

Understood, I’ll send some of the samples through to the Granada factory.

My pride won’t allow me to defeat you on unequal terms, Amuro.

Commander, incoming communication from a high-ranking official of the Earth Federation Forces. I’ll patch him through.

We witnessed the broadcast earlier, however the Federation Forces will not approve the establishment of Neo Zeon.

Is that so? Then so be it.
You will soon bear witness to our true intentions.

What does that mean?

Please give my best regards to the people of Lhasa. We are just doing what we can for the sake of our independence.

I see… We will arrange a venue for peace talks. I presume that’s alright with you?

Fine by me.

Commander, if you directly participate in the peace talks, it would be possible to gain the upper hand in the negotiations. Will you attend?

[Player choice: NO]

Now then, on behalf of the Commander, I and the other generals will attend the meeting.

Reporting from the Operations Department. The draft of the global cooling operation has been completed. We are proposing the “Fifth Luna Drop Operation.”

It’s finally time. Implement the global cooling operation.

From this moment forward, our military will carry out the Fifth Luna Drop Operation. This is an important operation that will decide the success or failure of global cooling. I look forward to your efforts.

Fifth Luna

A former resource mining asteroid used in the construction of space colonies.

Char launched a terrifying plan to drop the abandoned asteroid Fifth Luna on Earth and purge the people on the surface.

The target is the Earth Federation Headquarters at Lhasa.

The hammer of judgment was about to fall upon the Federation government.

We’re receiving a report from the Intelligence Department. Fifth Luna’s path of descent is within firing range of the Side 2 laser installation and is likely to be attacked. Please take the necessary precautions.

There’s a proposal from the Intelligence Department. They suggest that we immediately send an operative to Side 2 and work with local sympathizers to try to destroy the laser installation. Please give permission to dispatch the operative.

[Player choice: NO]

It’s true that sabotage operations on the colony may offend the other Spacenoids.

I will withdraw the proposal.

Reporting! The Londo Bell Corps is moving at high speed towards Fifth Luna.

Commander, it will take some time to ignite Fifth’s nuclear pulse engine. Please protect the nuclear pulse engine from destruction until ignition is complete.

Gyunei: What is this pressure?!

Amuro: People change, right? So… why? Why do we repeat the same mistakes?!

Reporting that we have succeeded in igniting the nuclear pulse engine of Fifth Luna. Both the angle and speed of approach to Earth are good. We’re victorious.

Reporting that there is a stalemate in the airspace surrounding Gyunei Guss. Should we offer him assistance?

Fifth Luna’s entry is complete, give the withdrawal signal.

I sent it out, but we can’t scatter the Minovsky particles and disrupt the radio waves because the mobile suits are retreating.

Does that mean Gyunei is in danger? Okay, I’ll go to his aid and retrieve him.

Amuro: Why would you drop something like this on Earth? The Earth will become so cold that it will experience a nuclear winter, and it’ll become uninhabitable.

Char: The people living on Earth only care about themselves, so that’s why I declared I will wipe them out!

Amuro: You have no right to punish them that way.

Char: It is I, Char Aznable, who will purge them, Amuro!

Amuro: You’re full of yourself!

Char: I’m saying the Earth isn’t going to last.

Char: The Earth cannot contain all human ego!

Amuro: Human wisdom can overcome such things!

Char: In that case, give wisdom to all those ignorant fools right now!

Amuro: I will, after I’m finished with you!

Am I alright, you say? You’re suddenly being considerate, Char!

Heh, that mobile suit of yours is no match for mine! And I’ve only been deployed for a short time!

Char: Gyunei, stand back!

Gyunei: Commander! You don’t need to get involved…

The Psycho-Frame is also being used in Gyunei’s unit. If I could somehow give it to Amuro, we would be able to fight on equal terms.

Should I give the Psycho-Frame to Amuro?

[Player choice: YES]

Char: Your unit cannot retreat. Leave it behind!

Gyunei: Huh? But I’m okay!

Char: No you’re not. I can tell from the outside. Don’t rely on the computer display.

Gyunei: I don’t rely on computers!

Char: Don’t question me!

Nanai, I succeeded in retrieving Gyunei, but his unit was severely damaged and we had no choice but to abandon it. Is there a problem?


Alright. We’re heading back, so come retrieve us.

Heh…There’s no point in defeating Amuro when he can only use something like that.

Commander, Fifth has entered Earth’s gravitational field. The operation is a success.

I see. What’s the status of Londo Bell?

They’ve begun their retreat. It seems they’ve given up on the pursuit.

Alright. Give orders to the patrolling troops to withdraw as well. We will now move on to the next operation.

Yes sir.

Londo Bell’s desperate resistance was in vain, and Fifth Luna fell to the surface.

Lhasa has been wiped out.

However, the Neo Zeon army was already about to commence a new operation.

Char’s plan had only just begun…

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