Char’s Campaign (CCA) – Recruiting Amuro (Part 6)

[This section picks up towards the end of Part 4 – Axis]

Reporting that we have successfully shot down the missiles launched by Ra Cailum.

That’s all the nuclear warheads, right Bright?!

The mooring of the nuclear weapon-carrying ship on Axis and the retrieval of its crew are complete. This ship’s nuclear weapons are essential to achieving global cooling.

Please be careful not to allow it to be destroyed.

Axis’ starboard nuclear pulse engine has been destroyed!

We succeeded in annihilating the Londo Bell Corps. It’s our victory!

Understood. Those who are able to move should keep watch over the surrounding airspace until the Axis drop is completed. Damaged units should return immediately. That is all.

Axis has fallen to Earth!

What’s the status?

We succeeded in inflicting severe damage to the point of impact on the surface.

However, it is not enough to cool the Earth. The operation is a failure!

Unbelievable! Our plan was flawless! 

Give the remaining troops the withdrawal signal. We will return to Sweetwater.

Due to the desperate resistance of the Londo Bell Corps, global cooling was unfortunately not achieved.

However, Char’s leadership was not in vain.

Neo Zeon succeeds in leaving enough remaining strength to continue the fight.

The Neo Zeon fleet returns to Sweetwater to rebuild.

Char’s plan to purge humanity on Earth was not over yet…

Reporting from the Operations Department that the Axis drop operation failed due to resistance from the Londo Bell Corps, and we were unable to achieve global cooling.

My purpose is to realize my father’s ideals and encourage all of humanity to awaken as Newtypes.

To do that, it was necessary to wipe out all humans on the surface…but our direct means of doing so have been lost.

Commander, you mean that…

Don’t worry. It just means that it is no longer necessary to deal with everyone on Earth.

If there are still those who hinder humanity’s innovation and advancement into space, I will defeat them in order to achieve the aspirations of both my father and myself.

Commander, since the Federation Forces have allocated most of their fleet to the defense of the Earth’s atmosphere, the defense of the Federation’s bases in space has weakened.

It is now possible to advance our forces in space. We propose a “Space Invasion Operation.”

Commander, there are Newtypes in the Earth Sphere that do not belong to our military. If you speak directly to them, some may agree with your ideals and offer to cooperate with us.

Why don’t you try calling out to those Newtypes?

Indeed, I’m sure they’ll understand if they possess great power. It’s worth a try.

…Can you hear me, Amuro Ray?

Can you hear me, Newtypes of the Federation?

If us Newtypes continue to fight each other, there will never be peace. I’m sure you understand that. Please cooperate with us…

Commander! Transmission from Amuro Ray! I’ll patch him through!

What are you trying to pull now…? What are you planning?

People can change. Weren’t you the one who said that, Amuro?

Then you should know! Now is the time for human innovation! And all humans must leave Earth, or else it will be crushed under the weight of those who remain there.

Become my comrade, Amuro!


However, if your actions are motivated by self-interest, I won’t hesitate to kill you. Don’t ever forget that.

Heh, do as you please.

We will now begin the space invasion operation.

The fleet is ready to sortie.

Understood. All fleets begin advancing toward the Federation Forces’ bases in space. Our aim is to take control of the Earth Sphere.

Global cooling by means of Axis could not be achieved.

However, the impact on the Earth Sphere is immeasurable, and the Federation fleet falls into chaos.

Char seizes this opportunity and launches his own fleet towards the Federation Forces’ space bases.

The spark of an all-out war between Neo Zeon and the Earth Federation Forces was about to be ignited.

Reporting that a volunteer soldier named “Quess Air” has joined us.

Although she is endowed with the qualities of a Newtype, she is severely lacking in self-awareness as a soldier, so she will not be sent into actual combat for the time being and will be under the custody of and observed by the Operations Department.

Oh… A Newtype girl, huh? Very interesting.

It’s finally time… Let’s carry out the Dakar capture operation.

Our military will now begin the operation to conquer Dakar. The long-standing battle between Earth and space is finally coming to an end. Everyone, our decisive victory is just one step away. I want you to devote all your remaining strength to this operation. I look forward to your courageous efforts.

Dakar, west coast of Africa

It is a large city where the seat of the Earth Federation Congress is located.

But now a provisional government has been established by those who fled Lhasa.

It was the final line of defense where the survivors of the Federation Forces had gathered.

Char has given the order, and now the Neo Zeon army is storming into the city of Dakar.

The battle was about to reach its final phase.

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