Gihren’s Greed Menace of Axis V – Axis Campaign (Part 1)

The Axis (Haman’s Neo Zeon) campaign places you in the role of Haman Karn as she, Mineva Zabi, and the other residents of the former mining asteroid Axis return to the Earth Sphere, where the conflict between the Titans and AEUG is raging on. As with the AEUG campaign, we’ll be going through the events of Zeta Gundam and Gundam ZZ, so spoilers will be present throughout this playthrough, although as before we’ll be changing history with our choices too.

Part 1: The Gryps Conflict

Universal Century 0079

The One Year War, humanity’s first battle involving Earth and space, begins.

The Principality of Zeon launched a war of independence against the Earth Federation, but although they won the initial battle, they were defeated by the Federation Forces, who had superior strength.

After the war that had wiped out half of the total population, humanity seemed to have regained peace.

Following their defeat, the soldiers of the Principality of Zeon each began to walk their own paths.

There were those who returned to Side 3, which became the Republic of Zeon after the war

Those who refused to surrender and were hiding out all over the Earth Sphere

And those who traveled far away from Earth to revive Zeon and disappeared into the pitch black darkness.

The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter…

In this space, where countless asteroids drift, was the former Principality of Zeon’s resource mining base, Axis.

Under the leadership of Maharaja Karn, those who escaped the Federation took the first step towards the revival of Zeon.

With the presence of Mineva Zabi, the sole successor to the Zabi family, as their leader, he encouraged the remnants of the Zeon forces hiding out in various places to unite, and helped Axis grow into a major force.

Universal Century 0083

Axis, which had been steadily gaining power, faced the death of their leader, Maharaja Karn.

However, the emergence of a new leader, Haman Karn, who surpassed her great father, brought forth a further leap forward for Axis.

Universal Century 0086

A report that would change the fate of Axis was brought to Haman.

The conflict between the Titans and AEUG signaled a new war…

For Haman, who aimed to return to the Earth Sphere, the battle between the two was a golden opportunity.

And then…
Axis’ nuclear pulse engine started up.

Universal Century 0087

Axis reaches the Earth Sphere, where the AEUG and the Titans are entrenched in a bitter battle.

What will the emergence of a new power bring to the war for the Earth Sphere?

For Axis and Haman, who aims to revive Zeon, the battle is about to begin.

The campaign begins right after Quattro’s speech at Dakar, as Haman and a Neo Zeon officer discuss the current situation.

Haman: As expected, the battle between the Titans and AEUG seems evenly matched…

Neo Zeon Officer: However, after Char’s speech at the assembly, the Federation Forces sided with the AEUG, which gave them complete control over the Earth.

Haman: Indeed… the majority on Earth is in favor of the AEUG… but the actions of the Federation Forces will likely change depending on the state of the battle in space.

Neo Zeon Officer: Yes, the Titans have retained considerable military power throughout space, starting with Gryps 2.

Haman: However, neither the Titans nor the AEUG have the decisive military power to defeat the other, so one of them will likely contact us soon, seeking our strength.

Here’s the starting map. Red is Neo Zeon, blue is the Titans, and green is the AEUG. The only territory we control is the base on Axis itself.

Here are our starting pilots as well.

And finally, like all other faction leaders in this game, Haman’s morale-boosting speech:

Haman: Glorious soldiers of Axis! Those who once pushed us into a world of darkness are now beneath our feet! The time has come to teach those foolish humans that the Earth Sphere is ours. Let us fight together, for the glory of Axis!

Before we have a chance to make any substantial troop movements, the first story event begins. Quattro Bajeena from the AEUG contacts us with a proposal, one that determines how the rest of the Gryps conflict will play out from here.

Dorothy*: Reporting that we have a message coming in from Quattro Bajeena of the AEUG. I’ll patch him through.

*Haman’s assistant isn’t actually named, I just took to calling her that due to her similar appearance to a character from The Big O.

Quattro: Haman, could you ally with us? The Titans are our common enemy. Please.

Given that allying with the AEUG is necessary for certain events to happen later, and that they are a far more formidable enemy than the Titans at this stage, choosing YES is the better option.

Haman: I see… So you will fulfill our wish to restore the Zabi family.

Quattro: Of course, our sponsors agreed to it as well.

Haman: However, it seems that you’re a man who doesn’t know how to ask for things.

Quattro: Please, Haman…

Haman: Hehehehe… Very well, don’t forget your promise…

For as long as they are our allies, the AEUG will not attack us and we will not be able to attack them; however, (probably for gameplay reasons) they also do not engage with the Titans. This means will we need to capture all of the Titan’s territory and bases ourselves, starting with the spaces on either side of Axis and going from there as base capture plans unlock.

Glemy: Long time no see, Haman-sama.

Haman: You’ve done well, Glemy Toto. I’ve heard about your exploits.

Glemy: Yes! I will follow any order from you, Haman-sama!

Haman: Glemy, the Zabi blood is the ties that bind us… don’t forget that.

Glemy: …Understood!

Haman: A new rose. I grant this rose to you… Isn’t it your duty to fight for this flower?

Mashymre: Haha, of course!

Haman: Good! I gave this rose the scent of my breath and the scent of my skin… so fight for me!

Chara: Are you Mashymre Cello? I was ordered to record all of your battles and report them to Haman-sama!

Mashymre: That’s troubling! I hope you put in a good word for me.

Chara: Say those words again! I’ll record them and report them to Haman-sama!

Mashymre: S-stop! Why does someone like you have to have such big breasts… No, I mean, such a big attitude?!

Haman: Chara Soon! Show me your power!

Chara: Please watch over me, the cat-eyed Chara… Beautiful Haman-sama.

[The following are multiple separate battle lines for each character listed one after another so you can enjoy them all.]

Haman: Let our power be burned into your eyes!

Haman: You simpleton, how dare you defy me! I will not tolerate your disrespect! Fall!!

Haman: Curse yourself for dying in vain in a place like this!

Glemy: Papa, Mama… Please protect me!

Glemy: I’ve chosen this cruel path for myself, there’s no way I can lose!

Illia: What are you spacing out for? I’ll crush you!

Illia: It’s your fault for not complying…

The first of the Titan’s bases that we can attack is Gate of Zedan (A Baoa Qu).

Neo Zeon Officer: The AEUG has requested an attack on the Gate of Zedan, formerly known as A Baoa Qu; however, the Titans’ defenses there are fully fortified, and as such it is expected that an attack would be difficult.

Haman: Hmm, we’ll crash Axis into A Baoa Qu, which will wipe out it and the Titans’ forces in one fell swoop… Start preparations immediately.

Neo Zeon Officer: Understood.

Since we agreed to an alliance with the AEUG, Jamitov Hymen, leader of the Titans, has contacted us and is requesting a meeting with Haman.

Dorothy: Haman-sama, Jamitov Hymen of the Titans is attempting to contact us. Before fulfilling your promise with the AEUG, why not speak to Jamitov directly?

[after selecting YES]

Dorothy: The Titans have accepted direct negotiations and designated the A Baoa Qu airspace as the location for the talks.

Haman: Hehehe… How convenient… Depending on Jamitov’s response, we can also change our approach.

After a short time passes, we’re contacted again about the meeting. This is where the events are set into motion, triggering the first story cutscene.

Dorothy: Haman-sama, it’s time for your meeting with Jamitov Hymen.

Haman: Indeed, make preparations to move Axis to the A Baoa Qu area at any time.

Dorothy: Understood!

The final battle of the One Year War took place at the space fortress A Baoa Qu.

As the Titans’ base, it was called the “Gate of Zedan.”

The face-to-face meeting between the leaders of Titans and Axis that took place in this airspace broke down.

Haman Karn, leader of Axis, activates the nuclear pulse engine on the asteroid Axis.

She directed it towards the Gate of Zedan.

And then…

The collision of these two giant asteroids caused the Gate of Zedan to collapse.

The Titans have lost their foothold in space.

Neo Zeon Officer: A Baoa Qu has completely collapsed!

Haman: Hehehehe… With this, we have demonstrated our power to the Earth Sphere…

The map icon for A Baoa Qu updates to reflect this change. Nearly all of the Titans forces there have been destroyed, and it is no longer a base, just a regular area.

After capturing A Baoa Qu, we start unlocking plans to capture the Titan’s remaining territory in space, beginning with Solomon.

Chara: Ahh, my body, my body is so hot! It’s burning!

Chara: You gotta be kidding! Did you seriously think you could beat me?

After Solomon comes plans for Side 1 and Side 4, and then eventually Side 3. Speaking of the space colonies…

Dorothy: Haman-sama, the General Staff has proposed a plan to dispatch forces to the colonies. I will patch them through.

Neo Zeon Officer: To win this battle, we need the support of the colony residents. Why not send Mashymre Cello to maintain order in the colonies?

[after selecting YES]

Haman: That’s true… Also, it’s not a bad idea to train soldiers who don’t have much combat experience. Give the orders to Mashymre.

Neo Zeon Officer: Understood.

Agreeing to this proposal will send Mashymre, Glemy, Gottn Goh, and a few others on a mission. Apparently they will leave on the next turn regardless of which you choose, so it doesn’t make much difference either way. Unfortunately they will unavailable to use as pilots until after the Titans are defeated.

After capturing all other Titan’s bases in space (aside from Gryps 2 of course), the plan to invade Luna II is proposed.

Neo Zeon Officer: Reporting that due to the Titans’ weakening forces, it is now possible to capture the space base Luna II. We propose the “Luna II capture operation”.

Rosamia: Big brother?! No! This doesn’t feel like big brother!

Scirocco: Such pressure! But don’t think that level of power can surpass me!

Haman: Scirocco! I didn’t expect much from you…however!

Haman: I have obtained the power of the universe! I have nothing to fear from those whose souls are drawn by gravity!

Jerid: Why… I trained so hard… I was so good at adapting! This wasn’t supposed to happen…

Once Luna II has been captured, Jamitov requests another meeting with both Haman and Scirocco. You probably already know where this is going…

Dorothy: Reporting that Jamitov Hymen of the Titans has requested a face-to-face meeting. Would you be interested?

[after choosing YES]

Haman: Understood. Tell Jamitov to come at once.

Axis and the Titans…

The meeting between the leaders was brought to an end by a gunshot fired by Paptimus Scirocco…

All that was left behind was the corpse of Titans leader Jamitov Hymen.

Haman: So Jamitov is dead… What happened to Scirocco?

Dorothy: My apologies, he got away.

Haman: Well, no matter…
Scirocco…what are you planning now…

Dorothy: Pardon my interruption! Paptimus Scirocco is broadcasting to the whole world!

Paptimus Scirocco…

A genius with extraordinary abilities returns from the distant planet Jupiter and dethrones Jamitov Hymen.

He reigns over the Titans.

What will this genius, beyond people’s imagination, bring to the Earth sphere…?

The Titans, a military faction founded by Jamitov Hymen, underwent major changes after the emergence of this single brilliant man.

Haman: That Scirocco… Did you use us with the intention of getting your hands on the Titans from the start?

Along with assassinating Jamitov, Scirocco has also purged many other high ranking members in his quest to obtain absolute power over the group.

Dorothy: Reporting that Scirocco has purged Bask Om and other leaders and appears to have taken complete control of the Titans.

Thanks to these events, we finally unlock the operation to attack the Titan’s last remaining base, Gryps 2.

Neo Zeon Officer: Reporting that it seems the death of Jamitov has caused unrest on Gryps 2, the Titans’ base. We can now take over Gryps 2. We propose the “Gryps 2 suppression operation”.

Haman: Our army will now begin the operation to suppress Gryps 2. It is time to exact revenge on the Titans, who drove our comrades to their deaths under the pretense of “hunting down remnants.” I look forward to your efforts.

Exhausted by the conflict with the AEUG, the Titans gather their forces at their home base, Gryps 2.

The cornered Titans, in an attempt to make a final stand, use the Gryps 2 colony laser cannon as a trump card, aiming to make a major comeback.

Will Haman be able to defeat the Titans and seize control of space?

Will the Titans be able to defeat Haman and take back control once again?

The Earth sphere held its breath as it watched the outcome of this deadly battle…

The special events that occur during this final battle between all three factions is determined based on if you allied with the AEUG at the beginning, and what choice you make regarding the colony laser.

Neo Zeon Soldier: Should we send a force to capture Gryps 2’s colony laser before the Titans can use it? Acquiring the colony laser will give us an advantage in future battles.

Selecting YES here seems like the best option. However, the AEUG has other plans. Operation Maelstrom begins.

Neo Zeon Soldier: There’s an emergency situation! The troops dispatched to the colony laser have reported that they are engaging with the AEUG! Our troops have been repelled by the AEUG and are retreating!

Haman: So the AEUG was also thinking of using the Gryps 2 colony laser… From now on, no matter if they’re Titans or AEUG, we will destroy all who stand in our way!

[After a few turns of the battle pass…]

Neo Zeon Soldier: Reporting that the AEUG forces have taken control of the colony laser! It appears they will be firing it at both our forces and the Titans!

Neo Zeon Soldier: We’ve been hit directly by the colony laser! Our forces and the Titans have suffered heavy damage!

Choosing to ally with the AEUG is a double edged sword, as this event only occurs if you are still allies at this point in the campaign. However, an easy way to avoid losses is to only send in a few troops for this first part of the battle, as you can see we did in the screenshots above. Events like this in Gihren’s Greed destroy a percentage of forces present, meaning if you only send in a couple, you won’t suffer much damage at all.

(You also need to remain allied with the AEUG for a special event to occur much later in the campaign, but I’ll note that when we get there.)

From here, the rest of the battle with the Titans continues as normal.

Scirocco: Hmm…! This feeling is unpleasant…

Scirocco: I’m not about to die alone… I’m taking your soul with me…

With that, the Titans are defeated…but the battle is far from over. After all, the AEUG shot the colony laser at us and is now our enemy.

Neo Zeon Officer: The conflict with the Titans has left the AEUG exhausted. If we launch an all-out offensive against the AEUG now, the Earth Sphere will surely belong to Axis.

[after choosing YES]

Haman: It certainly seems like a good opportunity to defeat the AEUG has arrived… Start planning a strategy immediately.

Neo Zeon Officer: Understood.

(choosing NO here will result in a game over)

The first step in this conflict with the AEUG will be capturing most of their bases in space, beginning with Side 5.

Neo Zeon Officer: Reporting that it seems the AEUG’s colony defense forces have become weak due to their battle with the Titans. We propose a “Side 5 capture plan”.

However, Mashymre, who is still on a mission in the colonies, has found the Argama at Shangri-La. You’re given the option to send reinforcements, or let him fight them on his own.

Dorothy: We have received a report from Mashymre Cello of the colony dispatch force that they have made contact with the AEUG’s Argama at Side 1, “Shangri-La.”

Neo Zeon Officer: The Argama is the core unit of the AEUG. Wouldn’t they be too much to handle for Mashymre?

[after choosing NO]

Haman: No… I’ve supplied Mashymre with plenty of backup. I can’t spare any more.

Neo Zeon Officer: Understood. I will have Mashymre pursue the Argama.

Refusing to send Mashymre support will result in him going missing for an extended period of time. However the alternative will lead to the death of pilots Pampa Lida, Wyme Dee, and Beanne. We’ll need to continue on without him for just a little while longer…

Meanwhile, there’s a report about a certain person’s whereabouts…

Neo Zeon Soldier: Reporting that Quattro Bajeena of the AEUG has gone missing during the operation to seize the colony laser. It has also been reported that many key members of the AEUG were killed in action.

Haman: That Char… he can’t be dead. Where did he disappear to?

To be continued in Part 2…

[Return to Menace of Axis V campaign list]