If you make the correct set of choices early on in Haman’s campaign and have beaten any of the game’s campaigns at least 4 times, you can actually recruit Char (albeit only temporarily). Here’s a quick overview of those events.
Bonus: Fighting Glemy and Recruiting Char
Aside from the game clear requirement, in order for the sequence of events for Char to trigger, you must have allied with the AEUG at the beginning and remained so through the colony laser capture event. In addition, you have to make a choice that upsets Glemy. The one I chose is one of multiple opportunities, however as it’s the closest one to the end, it was the easiest to create a save at and go back to.

Glemy: Haman-sama, it appears that the AEUG has dispatched a separate force centered around the Nahel Argama. I would like to be assigned to guard the Axis in preparation for an assault by them. May I have your permission?
(If choice NO)
Glemy: Understood, but please be careful of the movements of the Nahel Argama.
From now, events progress as before. We defend Axis from a small fleet of AEUG forces, and them defeat them at their base in Granada.
However, instead of continuing on to Char’s Rebellion like last time, this time Glemy has other plans…

Neo Zeon Officer: A rebellion has broken out on Side 3! The mastermind is Glemy Toto!

Glemy Toto…
He is an officer of Axis who is descended from the Zabi family.

For Haman Karn, who used Mineva Zabi’s birthright to centralize power, his existence is a threat…
He was the last hope for the forces of the former Principality of Zeon who were rebelling against Haman.

Glemy Toto has finally raised the flag of rebellion against Haman.
Taking advantage of the chaos left behind by the Titans and AEUG, the forces of Axis that had swept across the Earth Sphere are now split in two.

Neo Zeon Officer: Haman-sama, Glemy Toto has established his headquarters at Side 3 and is deploying forces in the surrounding airspace!

Haman: The revival of the Zabi bloodline…?! That Glemy… is he trying to stain the universe with blood?!
Here’s the new map after Glemy rebels, and the areas he takes after doing so.

Defeating Glemy’s forces is pretty straightforward in that you don’t need to trigger story events or unlock base capture plans in a certain order. He does take some pilots though, notably the Ples and Rakan Dahkaran.
If all conditions are met and law alignment is maximum, after 10 turns, a familiar face appears…

Neo Zeon Officer: Haman-sama, Char Aznable has returned to Axis.

Char: Haman, I had no intention of ever returning, but… If I leave that child to you, misfortune will befall her. I came back to protect Mineva from you, Haman.

Haman: This is sudden, Char, even though it’s been a while since we last met. But you are mistaken. Mineva-sama is simply receiving the proper education as the successor to the Zabi family.
Char: That’s certainly a way to put it… but from now on, I’ll be here.
Haman: Very well, now that you’re back, I’ll have you perform your proper duties. I’m counting on you.
Char also brings with him plans for the Sazabi and later (if the Sazabi is researched) the Nightingale.

As you no doubt noticed earlier, Char has inexplicably reverted from his Quattro look back into is appearance from the One Year War. Here are his starting stats.

After Glemy’s other bases are claimed, we can attack Side 3.

Neo Zeon Officer: Due to Glemy’s weakening forces, it has become possible to capture Glemy’s base, “Side 3”. We propose the “Side 3 Conquest Operation”.

Haman: Our forces will now begin the operation to seize Side 3. We will eliminate Glemy Toto, who has been disloyal to Mineva-sama, and reclaim Side 3, the birthplace of Zeon! I look forward to your efforts.
And finally, here is Haman and Char’s unique interaction as allies:

Haman: Char, will you lend me your strength? We’ll restore the Zabi family, and then consider the future of the world together.
Char: Yes… I’d like to assist in any way I can.
Haman: Char… I’m counting on you…
After defeating Glemy’s forces, Char will leave, and the events of Char’s Rebellion will proceed as normal; however, it’s only possible to get the Normal Ending in this scenario, not the Perfect Ending.