Gihren’s Greed Menace of Axis V – Axis Campaign (Part 2 & 3)

This section covers both the First Neo Zeon War (events in Gundam ZZ) and Char’s Rebellion (events in Char’s Counterattack)

Part 2: The First Neo Zeon War

With the Titans gone, here is the current map. Any space that they controlled is now neutral (gray) for the time being.

Our goal now is to defeat the AEUG, beginning with their bases in space (Side 2, 5, and 6, excluding Granada as that is their home base). They still have complete control over the Earth, so we can’t go there just yet.

We also receive information regarding the Titan’s research into Cyber Newtypes.

Neo Zeon Soldier: We have obtained information regarding the Titans’ Cyber Newtypes. By continuing research based on this information, our military will be able to utilize Cyber Newtypes as well. We propose the “Cyber Newtype Research Plan.”

Activating this plan will allow you to create your own Cyber Newtypes in the future, however this results in a big hit to alignment. It’s worth it though, as doing so is necessary to eventually get the perfect ending.

As part of moving from the Gryps Conflict to the First Neo Zeon War portion of the story, Haman’s portrait and lines get an update as well. Here’s a few of them below.

Haman Karn (ZZ): Through fear you will realize our power.

Haman: You don’t know the first thing about power!

Haman: I’m disappointed! Is that all you’ve got?

Haman: Do you get it now? The Earth sphere belongs to us!

In the last part, Mashymre reported that he made contact with the Argama at Shangri-La. Since we chose not to send reinforcements, he has now gone missing, though the other members of his squad have returned.

Neo Zeon Officer: Haman-sama, we have received a report from the colony dispatch force that Mashymre Cello has gone missing during the battle with the Argama.

Haman: He was a talented man, but he was surprisingly useless…

Neo Zeon Officer: The remaining forces have returned to Axis. Please consider where they should be assigned.

As we continue taking AEUG territory in space, the Cyber Newtype research plan we approved earlier has produced its first results, the Psycho Gundam Mk-II.

Neo Zeon Soldier: We have a report from the Cyber Newtype Research Project. They have obtained research data on the “Psycho Gundam Mk-II”, a mobile suit for Cyber Newtypes that was being developed by the Titans. Please check with the development department for details.

Right when we are in the final stages of conquering what we can in space, there’s some good news – Mashymre is back!

Neo Zeon Officer: Haman-sama, the missing Mashymre Cello has been found at Side 1, Shangri-La. He has no visible injuries and it is possible for him to return to the front lines immediately.

Coincidentally, Mashymre is also the perfect candidate for a new experiment…

Neo Zeon Soldier: We have received a report from the Newtype Research Institute that research into Cyber Newtypes has entered the final stage. The Institute is seeking a pilot to carry out the enhancements, and after considering the qualifications, they have concluded that Mashymre Cello is the most suitable. Would you like to enhance Mashymre Cello?

If you choose yes, Mashymre will once again be unavailable for a few turns. Despite the heavy alignment penalty for agreeing to Cyber Newtype research earlier, this choice (and a similar choice to strengthen Chara) have no impact on it.

In the meantime, we can now descend and begin our conquest of Earth!

Haman: Our forces will now begin our descent to Earth. Our operational target is the Kilimanjaro base on the African continent. We will show those who drove us into the darkness of space the terror of opposing us! I look forward to your efforts.

Axis, who entered the battle between the Titans and AEUG, rapidly expanded their power and finally set their sights on Earth.

The Earth invasion operation that was once the cause of the downfall of the Zabi family…

Will the goddess of victory smile upon Haman, who has dared to take such a step?

The Earth, the motherland of all humanity, is now once again threatened by the fires of war.

Taking over the Earth in the Axis campaign is very similar to other story-focused scenarios. We begin with Kilimanjaro and gradually work our way around the Earth, unlocking new plans to attack bases as they become available.

This also gives us a chance to return a newly enhanced Mashymre to the front lines. His portrait has changed, and he’s now able to use Newtype-use units.

Haman: Mashymre! Eliminate the threat before you!

Mashymre: Yes! Haman-sama! Hehehehe… Hahahaha…!

Haman: Ilia! As you can see, he seems to have been over-strengthened. Be careful when monitoring him…

Illia Pazom: Yes! Haman-sama!

The battle on Earth is also where the first of the Glemy Toto events begin. Your choices here affect whether or not Glemy will remain loyal, or eventually rebel and form his own faction. Keeping him loyal is necessary for the perfect ending, which essentially means agreeing to help him out whenever he asks for it.

Dorothy: Haman-sama, we have a message from Glemy Toto-sama. I’ll patch him through!

Glemy: Haman-sama, it appears that the Argama is tracking our movements and will be descending to Earth. If you were to grant me some forces, I’ll show you that I will definitely defeat them. May I have your permission?

[if choice: YES]

Haman: Very well, I’ll allow you to form a unit.

Glemy: Understood.

Haman: You seem very happy… Do you really want to be away from me that much?

Glemy: Surely you jest… I’ll definitely return with results.

As with Mashymre, Chara Soon can also be strengthened to become a Cyber Newtype. This also incurs no alignment penalty, and will change her sprite and lines just like Mashymre.

Neo Zeon Soldier: The Newtype Research Institute is seeking pilots to serve as test subjects to become Cyber Newtypes. After considering the qualifications, we have concluded that Chara Soon is the most suitable candidate. Would you like to enhance Chara Soon?

Another perk from our Cyber Newtype research is the development of the Zaku III Kai. This is Mashymre’s signature mobile suit after he becomes a Cyber Newtype, and thus grants a stat bonus whenever he is assigned to pilot one.

Speaking a Newtype-use mobile suits, it seems Glemy is asking for favors again and wants one of his own…

Neo Zeon Soldier: Haman-sama, it seems that Glemy-sama is covertly organizing a Newtype unit. How about sending the “Psycho Gundam Mk-II” we obtained the other day to support him?

[if choice: YES]

Haman: Yes, this is a good opportunity to see just how good Glemy’s Newtype unit is. Have the Psycho Gundam Mk-II delivered to Glemy.

Neo Zeon Soldier: Understood. We will send him the Psycho Gundam Mk-II.

This choice in particular is why it is necessary to research Cyber Newtypes in order to achieve the perfect ending, as you won’t have the Psycho Gundam Mk-II otherwise.

After a few turns, we receive news of Glemy’s triumph.

Neo Zeon Officer: Reporting that Glemy Toto-sama has succeeded in destroying the Argama!

Glemy: Haman-sama, thanks to the support of the Psycho Gundam Mk-II, we were able to defeat the Argama. Thank you very much.

Haman: It must have been difficult to control? Who did you have pilot it?

Glemy: Yes, this is the result of the efforts of the Newtypes “Elpeo Ple” and “Ple Two,” who we have been researching for some time.

Haman: Oh… so it’s not just a rumor, it really does exist? This Newtype unit…

Glemy: Yes ma’am!

Haman: Submit the results of your Newtype research, okay?

Glemy: Understood.

Haman: To have defeated the Argama… Glemy’s Newtype unit seems to be quite capable…

With the mission complete, Glemy returns, along with new pilots Elpeo Ple and Ple Two.

The following interaction lines are from some battles that follow, all the way up to conquering Odessa.

Glemy: Where are you going, Elpeo Ple?!

Ple: The enemy is coming, so let’s fight.

Glemy: Can you do it?

Ple: If that’s my role…

Glemy: So hypnotherapy is effective here too…

Ple Two: Glemy, why did you wake me up?

Glemy: In battle, there is something called opportunity. If you miss that opportunity, the tables will turn on you!

Ple Two: No need for preambles, Glemy! If you want results, just say so… I’ll cooperate.

Ple: This girl looks just like me…

Ple Two: What the hell are you… You’re so unpleasant!

Ple: I am you… and you are me!

Haman: So you’re Elpeo Ple…?

Ple: Yes.

Haman: It seems Glemy has been hiding something from us… Your power will be used to our advantage…

Ple: Yes, Haman-sama…!

Bright Noa (AEUG): We’ve reached our limit… We’re withdrawing from this airspace at full speed!

Chara: Soul! The throbbing of my soul! My soul is a soul that races across the universe! A soul that races across the universe! [this is Chara’s new portrait after her Cyber Newtype enhancement]

Hayato Kobayashi (AEUG): Fraw, I’m sorry… I entrust Katz, Letz and Kikka to you…

After capturing enough of the AEUG’s bases on Earth, the following cutscene begins.

The Axis fleet’s invasion of Earth was a success.

The Earth Federation government in Dakar officially recognized the restoration of the Zabi family…

They officially surrender in response to Haman’s threats.


The conquest of Earth, which had once been the downfall of the Zabi family, had only just begun.

After his success with Ple and Ple Two, Glemy now has a new proposal for us for further Newtype research.

Neo Zeon Soldier: Reporting that Glemy Toto-sama has provided us with information about using cloning technology to develop Newtypes. By continuing this research, it will be possible to mobilize large numbers of Newtypes on the battlefield. We propose a “Newtype Corps Research Plan.”

Through this cloning technology, we are able to use 5 new pilots, Ple Clones 1-5. The Ple clones all have identical portraits and unvoiced lines, though their stats vary slightly.

This research plan also gives us plans for the mass production Quebely model and the Queen Mantha, the latter being an extremely powerful mobile suit for Newtypes.

While on the topic of mobile suits, there’s a feature present in this game that I don’t think I’ve explicitly mentioned in a playthrough before, and that’s the ability to covert standard units into special custom ones for specific pilots, if one exists. Let’s use a Quebely as an example. If Ple or Ple Two are assigned to be this unit’s pilot, a special option will be available to convert it.

The stats on the new custom units are slightly different, as are of course their color schemes.

After taking a few more bases, we’re notified of a developing situation in Ireland.

Neo Zeon Soldier: We have received information from the intelligence bureau regarding the Earth Federation. It appears that high-ranking Earth Federation officials who fled Dakar have taken refuge in Ireland.

Haman: We must show them the terror of resisting us. Start planning the operation immediately.

Neo Zeon Soldier: Understood.

This is of course the beginning of the colony drop operation on Ireland. Although you’d expect this to be a choice that drastically affects your alignment or otherwise plays a large role in the story, you actually aren’t penalized at all for it. Going through with the colony drop only destroys a percentage of the forces currently stationed on the Belfast base with no other repercussions, so for gameplay reasons, there really isn’t a reason not to commit mass murder.

Neo Zeon Officer: Haman-sama, we have devised a plan to drop a colony on Ireland. We believe this would be the most effective plan to instill fear of us in the Earth Federation. Would you be willing to give us your permission to carry out this operation?

[if choice: YES]

Haman: A colony drop… I see… get the space fleet ready!

Neo Zeon Officer: Understood! We will begin preparations immediately.

Haman: The purpose of this colony drop is not just to cause damage on the surface. It is to demonstrate our power through such terror. It will be meaningless if we do not demonstrate that no one can stop our power! I look forward to your efforts.

Axis drops a colony on Ireland to instill fear in the Earth Federation.

This barbaric act, reminiscent of the colony drops by the Principality of Zeon, would have a major impact on the conflict in the Earth Sphere.

The war that began with the conflict between AEUG and Titans was about to enter a new phase.

Dorothy: The colony has fallen in Dublin, Ireland!

Haman: Hehehehe… Fools of the Federation…Have you realized our power?!

All that’s left to do on Earth after conquering Belfast is to capture the remaining three bases in the Americas – New York, California, and Jaburo.

As we’re about to attack Jaburo however, it seems the AEUG is on the move and planning a counteroffensive.

Neo Zeon Soldier: The intelligence department has become informed of the AEUG’s movements. After being weakened by the conflict with the Titans, the AEUG is rebuilding its forces, and is planning a large-scale counterattack in space.

Haman: That AEUG… To think that while we were conquering Earth, you were rebuilding your forces…

In the final choice of the campaign that will determine if he rebels or not, Glemy calls us and asks to take on the Nahel Argama himself. Choosing yes with high enough law alignment will allow him to succeed, and thus remain loyal to Haman.

Dorothy: Reporting a message from Glemy Toto-sama. I’ll patch him through.

Glemy: Haman-sama, it appears that the AEUG has dispatched a separate force centered around the Nahel Argama. I would like to be assigned to guard Axis in preparation for an assault by them. May I have your permission?

[if choice: YES]

Glemy: Thank you. I will assemble a unit and attack the Nahel Argama.

Though Glemy will be handling the Nahel Argama, it is still up to us to defend Axis from the other AEUG forces in the assault. Thankfully it’s only 12 units and they are easy to handle.

Neo Zeon Officer: A report from the reconnaissance unit! An AEUG fleet is approaching Axis airspace! Prepare to intercept immediately!

For his part, Glemy is successful as well.

Neo Zeon Soldier: We have received a report from Glemy Toto-sama that his forces engaged in combat with the Nahel Argama and forced it to retreat.

All that remains now is to attack the AEUG at their home base in Granda and bring an end to the First Neo Zeon War!

Haman: Our forces will now begin their offensive against Granada. Our target is “Granada”, the AEUG’s home base. The AEUG claims to be an ally of Spacenoids, but has now completely degenerated into a lackey for the Earth Federation. This betrayal must never be forgiven. I look forward to your efforts.

With the Titans gone, only the AEUG stood in the way of Haman’s ambition…

However, most of their forces were tired from the long battle and had lost their former strength.

And now…

Haman was about to challenge the battered and wounded AEUG to a final battle.

This is the first place where we encounter Judau Ashta, the protagonist of Gundam ZZ.

Mashymre: Hahahaha…! I’ll pay you back for Shangri-La!

Judau: What is this feeling… is it really Mashymre?!

Judau: Chara! What’s wrong? Have you forgotten about me?

Chara: Stop it! Stop it! You’re making my head spin!

Judau: You’re dangerous! Sorry, but I’m going to finish you, Glemy!

Glemy: What?!

Judau: Ple! A kid like you shouldn’t kill people! A kid like you shouldn’t be a pilot!

Ple: I just want to play with you, Judau!

Judau: Ple! That’s enough!

Ple: Ahh~! You’re being mean! Why won’t you play with me? I hate you! You’re mean! Judau, I hate you!

Judau: Hey, Elpeo Ple!

Judau: Ple Two! You’re being deceived! You’re just being used!

Ple Two: This enemy…is it Judau?!

Judau: Why don’t you realize that during your long sleep, you were made into a doll that only follows someone else’s orders!

Ple Two: I’m a doll…!?

Judau: Otherwise…why would a young girl be made to fight…!

Ple Two: That’s stupid… I’m me!

Haman: Don’t you understand that we are the same kind of person?

Judau: The same kind of person…? Don’t decide that on your own!

Haman: Judau Ashta! Listen to me!

Judau: You’re scary!

Judau: Am I done for… If I die, it’ll be over for everyone…

With the AEUG defeated, that concludes part 2 of the campaign. However…

Part 3: Char’s Rebellion

Neo Zeon Officer: This is an emergency! Char Aznable is broadcasting to the whole world!

Char Aznable, who once changed his name to Quattro Bajeena and fought as a member of the AEUG…

Having gone missing during a fierce battle, he reappeared before everyone as the leader of Neo Zeon.

By upholding the ideals of his father, Zeon Zum Deikun, Char gained the support of the people for Neo Zeon and rapidly increased its military power.

What will their growing influence bring to the Earth sphere, which continues to be in turmoil?

The state of the war was about to reach a major turning point…

Neo Zeon Officer: Char has made Sweetwater at Side 1 his base of operations and has begun a campaign to occupy the surrounding area! Our forces are suffering repeated defeats all over!

Haman: Char… Was this the reason for your disappearance?

Just like in the Federation and Zeon campaigns, Char is in control of a set amount of territory in space and none on Earth.

However, since Haman’s faction has their headquarters at Axis, he can’t pull his usual stunt of trying to crash it into the Earth. As such, there isn’t any story events to speak of this time, just recapturing the bases one by one until the final assault on Sweetwater.

Also, as an added note, neither Haman nor any of her officers ever refer to Char’s faction as Neo Zeon, only “Char’s Forces”, probably to avoid confusion but it’s fun to imagine it as a subtle way of them dissing him.

Around this time, we reach maximum law alignment, and a familiar faces joins us…

Dorothy: Reporting that a boy calling himself Judau Ashta has offered to cooperate with our forces. Please consider where you would like him assigned.

Judau has new lines with some members of Neo Zeon as an ally, including a unique one with Haman.

Ple: You came looking for me, didn’t you? I’m Elpeo Ple! Nice to meet you!

Judau: Nice to meet you… Haven’t I met you somewhere before?

Ple: Eh~! You forgot already?

Judau: Huh!? Sorry but you’ve got the wrong guy.

Ple Two: Big brother…

Judau: I’m right here, Ple Two.

Ple Two: Ahh… Big brother…

Haman: Judau… Until the very end, don’t ever betray me!

Judau: I don’t know… I’ll cooperate with you for now, but who knows what the future holds!

Haman: Hehehehe… Very well… Don’t disappoint me.

Although it’s just their generic vs. an enemy Newtype lines, I did coincidentally get screenshots of both Ple and Ple Two reacting to fighting Char.

Ple: What…? Is something bad coming?

Ple Two: Damn…! This is no ordinary guy!

Once Char’s Neo Zeon is pushed back to their home base at Sweetwater, it’s time to finally wrap up this campaign!

Haman: Our forces will now commence the “Side 1 Conquest Operation “. We will punish the traitor Char and bring true victory to Mineva-sama! I look forward to your efforts.

Of course I had to get a shot of Haman taking down Char in his Sazabi herself…

And with that, Char’s faction is defeated. Haman shares some closing words with Mineva Zabi.

Neo Zeon Officer: Haman-sama, we have defeated all of their forces!

Haman: Thank you everyone for your hard work. I will report this to Mineva-sama immediately.

Haman: Mineva-sama, we have defeated all of your enemies.

Mineva: That’s wonderful. Tell everyone they did a good job. What are you going to do now, Haman?

Haman: I want you to become the Queen of the Earth Sphere.

Mineva: The Queen…? What will you do? Will you continue to support me?

Haman: Of course. I will continue to be by your side.

Mineva: I see. I know things will be difficult, but I’ll be counting on you from now on.

Haman: Understood!

ー Axis: Perfect Victory 一

The Axis forces led by Haman Karn won the battle and achieved their long-cherished dream of reviving Zeon.

The revived Zeon began its journey as a new nation, with Mineva Lao Zabi, the legitimate successor to the Zabi family, at its apex.

Haman, the person who contributed most to the revival of Zeon, established a solid position through her achievements and the overwhelming support of the soldiers who fought alongside her.

By utilizing her natural political aptitude and charisma, she smoothly accomplishes the difficult task of running a nation.

However, being a superior Newtype, Haman had found a new purpose.

That is, the domination of humanity by Newtypes in order to lead humanity towards innovation.

Haman gathers like-minded Newtypes and begins creating a world for Newtypes.

Will this attempt be successful?

Humanity was about to take the first step into a new era…

[Return to Menace of Axis V campaign list]