Following the defeat of the Delaz Fleet, a new enemy arrives to the Earth Sphere.

Assistant: General Revil! Haman Karn of Axis is broadcasting to the whole world…

Axis, a space fortress floating in the asteroid belt…

Its de facto ruler, Haman Karn, with her excellent leadership skills and immense charisma, began to move towards the Earth Sphere.
And finally…

After a long and difficult journey, the asteroid Axis has reached the Earth Sphere.
The emergence of Axis brings about a new conflict.
The chaos in the Earth Sphere is about to deepen…

EFF Officer: General, Haman has deployed her forces to the surrounding airspace, using the space fortress Axis as her base of operations. At the same time, her ground forces have begun an invasion of Eastern Europe!

Revil: Truly the ghost of Zeon… Is there no end to this battle?
Unfortunately, Haman’s portion of this campaign is rather uneventful. There are no story events, and there is no set order in which we need to capture Neo Zeon’s bases, of which there are only a few.

Upon completing this task, it’s time to attack Axis itself.

Revil: Our forces will now begin the operation to capture the “Space Fortress Axis”! The capture of this fortress, the largest base of the Zeon remnants, will be of great importance in the battles to come! I look forward to your efforts!

Zero: Are you a Newtype? Go down!

Haman: What a fall from grace for a former hero, reduced to a lapdog of the Federation Government…
Revil: You’re so young… Even if the Federation is destroyed, nothing will change in the world. I want to end this war… even if I’m despised as the Federation’s lapdog.

Haman: I too…am bound by Earth’s gravity…so I can’t fly.
With Haman defeated and Axis no longer a threat, it’s finally time to move on to the Gryps Conflict.

Assistant: General Revil! Gryps 2 is broadcasting to the whole world.

Space Fortress Gryps 2
This is the home base of the Earth Federation’s special forces, the Titans.

The Titans suppressed rebellious forces opposing the Earth Federation government and built a strong base within the Federation.
Therefore, the Titans, which were merely a division of the Federation Forces, gained power comparable to that of the rest of the army.

With this power as a backdrop, Titans Commander Jamitov Hymen declares war on the Earth Federation Forces led by Revil.

A new war has been born on Earth, threatening to draw all of humanity into the vortex of battle.

EFF Officer: General, the Titans have established their base at Gryps 2 and deployed forces in the surrounding airspace, while simultaneously launching ground forces in an invasion of the Indian subcontinent!

Revil: Jamitov… have you lost your mind? Don’t you realize that the foundation of your ideas is the same as Gihren’s?
The Titans control Gryps 2 and the two closest bases in space, as well as a substantial amount of territory on Earth.

As promised, Blex agrees to ally the AEUG with the Federation, and all of their pilots and commanders are absorbed into our forces.

Assistant: We have a call from AEUG representative Blex Forer. I’ll connect you.

Blex: General Revil… Things have taken a turn for the worse. The Titans have become arrogant, and Jamitov is trying to take over the Earth Sphere for his own ambitions. As promised, we, the AEUG, will fight alongside the Federation Forces.
As an added bonus, Quattro provides us with the Gundarium γ Alloy, unlocking the ability to construct the Rick Dias and eventually other mobile suits in its development line.

Quattro: General Revil, we are offering “Gundarium” to the Federation Forces. Using this metal as armor will dramatically improve mobile suit performance. Please make use of it.

Just as in Zeta Gundam, Quattro also wants to lead a team in a operation to steal a Gundam Mk-II from the Titans.

Quattro: General Revil, I have received information that the Titans are developing a new kind of Gundam. If we can seize this machine, it will be a great asset to the Federation Forces. I propose the “Titans Infiltration Operation”.
[If plan is activated]
Quattro: Understood, we will begin the operation to infiltrate the Titans. Former AEUG members will be participating in this operation. Please wait for good news.

Quattro: Reporting that we have infiltrated the Titans’ research facility and succeeded in seizing the Gundam Mk-II. However, the Titans are pursuing us aggressively and it looks like our return to Jaburo will be delayed.

Quattro: General Revil! We have shaken off the Titans’ pursuit and returned to Jaburo headquarters with the captured Gundam Mk-II. In addition, Kamille Bidan, a civilian boy we rescued during the operation, and Emma Sheen, who defected from the Titans, have offered to cooperate with us. Please decide where they will be assigned.

In addition to Emma and Kamille, some former White Base members gradually join us as well. These include Hayato and his adopted son Katz, as well as Kai and Sayla.

Assistant: Reporting that former White Base crew member Hayato Kobayashi has agreed to cooperate with our forces at the recommendation of the AEUG.

Having survived the One Year War, both Sleggar and Ryu are here as well, featuring new designs unique to Gihren’s Greed.
As a bonus for having beat the game multiple times before, we have the option to research and build the Zeta this playthrough.

EFF Officer: By using the Titans military technology obtained from the Gundam Mk-II, the armor material “Gundarium” provided by the AEUG, and our own military technology, we can develop a machine that far surpasses conventional mobile suits. We propose the “Z Plan.”

Later on, this also unlocks the ability to build the ZZ, although sadly Judau (and the rest of the Gundam ZZ cast for that matter) doesn’t join us in this campaign.

Assistant: Reporting that the Development Department has proposed a development plan for a new kind of Gundam. Based on the technology accumulated through the Z Project, the new Gundam aims to be the ultimate mobile suit that excels in all areas, including firepower, armor, and mobility. They are proposing the “ZZ Development Plan.”

Rounding out the trio of new mobile suits is the v Gundam, provided by Amuro himself after he is rescued and joins our forces. This version of the v Gundam lacks the trademark funnels however, as Psycho Frame technology is not available until Part 3.

Assistant: Reporting that members of the AEUG have successfully rescued the Newtype Amuro Ray who was under house arrest by the government. […] Amuro Ray has proposed a development plan for a new mobile suit, “v Gundam.” Please consider allocating the budget.

On turn 200, a special event occurs involving Zero Murasame, who was (assumingly forced to) defect to the Titans after the Delaz Fleet was defeated.

Assistant: Reporting! The Titans’ Murasame Research Lab has been attacked and destroyed by someone in a single mobile suit. If this is true…it’s dangerous. Please be careful!

Assistant: General Revil! An unidentified unit has been spotted in our airspace. It’s approaching at high speed.

Revil: Will the defense forces arrive in time?!
Assistant: The defense forces have already been breached and all of our attacks have been evaded.
Revil: Is that even possible?
Assistant: Incoming communication from the unidentified mobile suit. I’ll connect you.

Zero: Sorry for the sudden request, but I have a favor to ask. I want you to research a cure for Cyber Newtypes using the data I have from the Murasame Research Lab. I can offer something in return. I’ll give you the blueprints for the “Psycho Gundam” I stole from the lab! Not a bad deal, right? So please…
Revil: Could it be… you destroyed the Murasame Laboratory all on your own?

Zero: So what? That’s not what I’m talking about. I want to know if you’ll accept me or not.
[Choice: Yes]
Zero: Sorry, I’ll definitely give you the data as promised, but first let me rest for a bit…
(Zero’s story will continue in Part 3)
Also on turn 200, a few more pilots join us: Kamille’s childhood friend Fa, as well as Hathaway, Chan, and Kayra from Char’s Counterattack.

EFF Officer: Reporting that Fa Yuiry, whom we rescued together with Kamille Bidan during the Titans infiltration operation, has completed her pilot training. Please decide where she will be assigned.

At last, it’s time to take down the Titans once and for at all their base at Gryps 2.

Revil: Our forces will now begin their attack on the Titans’ headquarters, Gryps 2! We will defeat Jamitov, whose twisted ideals have led to the deaths of many people, and bring peace to the Earth Sphere! I look forward to your efforts!
The following is a large collection of interaction lines, mostly of characters in the AEUG, including some that I was not able to get during my playthrough of the AEUG campaign, as during that many such characters remain on a mission for the remainder of the story and are not available to use in battle as they are here.

Henken: Emma-kun, this is a dangerous mission. Don’t push yourself too hard… You might not be able to have a baby…
Emma: Ah, I’m not thinking about marriage!
Henken: …!!

Reccoa: It’s been a while! Captain Henken asked me to give you this present!
Emma: …Thanks, but this is troubling… What should I do with this!?
Reccoa: That’s up to you now, Emma-san…

Henken: Kamille! You always act on your own! Do you want to be put in solitary confinement?
Kamille: Put in solitary confinement?
Henken: Just kidding! Hahahaha…

Fa: I never thought I’d see you again… Kamille!!
Kamille: Fa! Why are you here? I never wanted you to be involved in the world of war.
Fa: War is relentless. I can’t have you be the only one giving it your all.
Kamille: Not everyone is fit for war! You aren’t cut out for fighting… Right?

Kamille: Are you okay? I sensed that you were in danger.
Emma: That’s ridiculous!
Kamille: It’s true. It might just be an illusion, but I thought I saw you screaming…
Emma: I’m sorry, Kamille. Thank you, it’s great that you’re here. Let’s fight together.

Kamille: Reccoa-san… Why do you always do such dangerous things?
Reccoa: It’s just my nature, I don’t feel alive unless I’m living on the edge.
Kamille: So that’s how it is…

Emma: Fa, don’t fight driven by your emotions.
Fa: I know, but humans are emotional animals!
Emma: In war, you can’t fight just based on your feelings in the moment!
Fa: Understood! You’re right…

Reccoa: Fa, don’t turn out like me. Find a good man soon.
Fa: A man?
Reccoa: Yes, a man! After all, there are only two sexes in this world, male and female.
Fa: I see, I don’t really understand, but…

Henken: Don’t do anything reckless! Your life is important! To us as well…
Quattro: I’m just a pilot, don’t worry so much about me!

Quattro: Reccoa, what are you suffering from?
Reccoa: …I don’t know. All I know is that I want to throw everything away and disappear.
Quattro: That’s not possible! No one can throw away the things they’re dragging along with them, not until they die.
Reccoa: I understand.

Kai (AEUG): I don’t have any ulterior motives, so will you join me in this battle?
Reccoa: I understand… but please refrain from speaking so casually.
Kai: Let’s be careful…

Sleggar (AEUG): Hey, it’s been a while, Bright. How is Mirai-san?
Bright: Yes, she’s fine… Sleggar, well… there’s something I’ve been meaning to say for a while… At that time, Mirai…
Sleggar: No, you don’t have to say it… There are some things in this world that are better left unsaid.
Bright: Sorry…
Sleggar: She was too dazzling for a guy like me… that’s all.

Sleggar: Hey! If it isn’t the Newtype! How lucky for you to be accompanying me again! Take good care of me!
Amuro: You really haven’t changed. Please stop teasing me!
Sleggar: Acting so serious will only tire you out, so let’s take it easy!

Sleggar: It’s been a while, young lady! As always…you seem to be worried about a man, huh?
Sayla (AEUG): Hehe, you haven’t changed. By man, you probably mean my brother…
Sleggar: The Red Comet… You shouldn’t worry too much about it.
Sayla: You’re right, thank you.

Ryu (AEUG): Bright! Have you been well?
Bright: Ah, Ryu! It’s been a while!
Ryu: I’m worried because you try to carry everything on your own. Don’t push yourself!

Ryu: Hey Amuro, you look well!
Amuro: Long time no see. I’m glad that you’re doing well too.
Ryu: Haha, my only good point is that I’m sturdy, so let’s do our best!

Hayato: Katz! Have you been well?
Katz: Yes, Dad!
Hayato: The selfishness of one person can sometimes wipe out an entire unit, so be careful!
Katz: Yes! Understood!

Katz: Amuro, why don’t you fight more?
Amuro: I fought more than enough in the One Year War…
Katz: To us… no… to my mother, you were a hero. Stop saying things like that and keep fighting!

Amuro: Why did you come back to the Earth Sphere?
Quattro: I came here to laugh at you… Would saying that satisfy you?
Amuro: I’m not doing this because I want to! Even you should understand that!
Quattro: But I know you don’t want my sympathy. In that case, tell me that you want to be the same Amuro Ray you used to be. That’s what I want to hear the most!

Blex: In a war long ago… It sends chills down my spine to think that you were my enemy…
Quattro: I’m not that powerful. Aren’t you overestimating me?
Blex: I wouldn’t be so foolish. I’m counting on you.

Blex: Do you know of the man called the Red Comet?
Henken: I’ve never seen him, but I feel the presence of the Red Comet close by…
Blex: I see… so you feel it too… He is trying to convey Zeon Deikun’s will to us spacenoids…
Henken: I’m glad he’s on our side.

Quattro: Just like a clown… I continue to fight while hiding my identity…

Rosamia: Big brother?! No! This doesn’t feel like big brother!

Yazan: Hahahaha! You’re still a child!
Kamille: So strong! It seems like he’s used to fighting, but… there’s no mental pressure. He’s just plain strong!

Revil: What are you thinking, Jamitov? Don’t you understand that what you’re doing is the same as Gihren?
Jamitov: The Earth demands it! We must do this for the sake of the Earth Sphere!

Kamille: Are you okay? Wake up. I’m Kamille, Kamille Bidan. You understand, right? There’s no need for us to fight!
Four: Kamille, what a nice name… I’m Four Murasame.
Kamille: You’re being manipulated… You can stop fighting now, okay…?
Four: You’re so kind… I want to meet you again.

Rosamia: Big brother?! It is big brother! It’s me, Rosammy! Have you forgotten?
Kamille: I don’t have a sister. I don’t know you!
Rosamia: But you’re my big brother! I wanted to meet you!
Kamille: I have no choice… Rosammy, I’m your big brother! So we shouldn’t fight anymore, right?!

Kou: Monsha-san, why? Please explain!
Monsha: Uraaakiii, you’ve seen it too! The enemy’s methods! The way we’ve been doing things up until now has been sloppy!
Kou: Monsha-san, you misunderstand! Not all of them are bad people! Even in the Federation… Monsha-saaan!
With the Titans defeated, it’s finally time to move on to Part 3…