Gihren’s Greed Menace of Axis V – Federation Campaign (Part 3)

The final enemy in the Federation campaign is Char’s Neo Zeon, following the events of Char’s Counterattack.

Part 3: Char’s Rebellion

“The appearance of Char, who speaks of the ideals of his father Zeon Zum Deikun, has brought about a new upheaval in the earth sphere.”

Here’s the map for this stage. Neo Zeon controls no land on Earth, so we don’t need to worry about that. Their headquarters are on Side 1, just to the right of Axis.

The strategy for this round is pretty easy, just move into position in time to block the enemy forces before they can start attacking, then take their territories one by one.

Thanks to us having Amuro in our roster, we finally get the funnel-equipped Nu Gundam too after obtaining the Psycho Frame.

Speaking of Amuro, he got some new art. Here’s how he’s changed over the course of this campaign.

The look on his face says it all…our boy has had enough.

Of course, this wouldn’t be a fight against Char’s Neo Zeon if we didn’t have to worry about Axis.

Federation Officer: We determined Char’s aim! Char intends to make Axis fall to Earth! Please be careful!”

In a set number of turns (I believe 20), if you don’t take Axis from Neo Zeon, it’ll begin falling to Earth.

If you have both Amuro and the Nu Gundam (funnel version), he’ll leave to try and stop it, but disappears in the process. If you’re missing Nu Gundam or Amuro, Axis crashes into Earth and you lose half your resources. Conquer Axis in time though, and you’ll prevent all this from happening.

Neo Zeon has some new upgraded tech, like Geara Doga and Jagd Doga. Quess is also in the mobile armor Alpha Azieru. Thankfully by this point we can build things like Nu Gundam, Hi-Nu Gundam, and Xi Gundam to match them.

Gyunei: What… What is this pressure…

Rezin: What is this power!? Ah… I’m taking a direct hit!?

The time limit doesn’t prove to be an issue, and we’re able to defeat the Neo Zeon forces on Axis in time, thwarting disaster.

Federation Officer: We had the engineering team seal the Axis nuclear pulse engine so that it cannot be used in the future.

With everything else in space back in Federation control, it’s time for the final battle at Side 1. Char’s sending out everything he’s got, but so are we.

Speaking of units, let’s talk about Sazabi.

Sazabi is an offensive powerhouse, in part thanks to its funnels. Here it is wrecking one of our Jupitris-class ships, which have pretty high HP.

It was at this point I realized there was something I had to do. Somehow in this sea of hundreds of ships and mobile suits blasting each other, I needed to make Char and Amuro’s showdown happen.

And so, after manually moving every other one of our units in the area out of the way, their special battle interaction activated.

Char: The earth cannot contain every human ego!
Amuro: Human wisdom can overcome such things!
Char: In that case, grant wisdom to all those ignorant fools right now!
Amuro: I will, after I’m done with you!

(This is the conversation they have while rolling around in the grass, if it sounds familiar)

After Amuro emerges victorious…

Amuro: Humanity has created history by continuing to fight… Without it, humanity would have perished.

It’s worth nothing that if you spend more turns before attacking Side 1, you can obtain some additional characters. If your alignment is Lawful, you can get Chan Agi, Kayra Su and Hathaway Noa. If you’re Chaotic, Kenneth Sleg and Lane Aim.

With the Neo Zeon forces at Side 1 defeated, it’s finally all over. General Revil and his assistant (one of the Federation officers that pops in to give you updates) share a few words.

Federation Officer: We have succeeded in defeating all enemy forces! There are no more forces that can stand against us anymore!
Revil: Ah, it’s finally over… we won. We can’t afford to lose this peace again.
Federation Officer: Is it possible? I can’t help but think that people will continue to fight.
Revil: It’s bound to come. People can understand each other. I want to believe that… No, believing that is the first step towards peace…

On to the credits:

Federation Forces ・ Perfect Victory

The Earth Federation Forces won the battle.

The long conflict is over, and the history of war and intrigue has come to an end.

The Earth Sphere is once again under the control of the Earth Federation Government, and General Revil, who led them to victory, is recognized for his accomplishments and becomes the head of the Federation Government.

Demonstrating the leadership he cultivated in battle, Revil not only achieved the restoration of the devastated earth sphere, but also –

As the only way to eliminate the feud between Earthnoids and Spacenoids, he realized complete immigration into space.

Complete immigration to space…

This is the first step that Zeon Zum Deikun proposed to lead humanity to innovation.

Revil, who is said to have a deep understanding of Newtypes, is a signpost for the future shown to humanity.

It’s unknown what lies ahead.

However, humanity takes a step forward.

Someday, we will arrive at a world without conflict.

That’s all for the Federation campaign, unless I decide to go back and check out some of the content I missed.

Thanks for reading!