Gihren’s Greed Menace of Axis V – Zeon Campaign (Part 2)

Part 2: Gryps Conflict

Part 2 of the Zeon campaign kicks off with a brief cutscene. It’s pretty similar to the one that plays after the One Year War in the Federation campaign, in that it talks about rebuilding and the uncertainty of the future.

After the signing of the treaty at Jaburo ending the war, what remains of the Federation begin to fight amongst themselves.

Jamitov Hymen establishes the Titans, which seek to fight back against Zeon and their occupation of Earth.

The opposition to them is the AEUG. Their existence is a bit odd in this circumstance, but I assume they are against both the Titans and Zeon.

The tension between the two develops into an armed conflict, and the Earth Federation falls into a state of civil war.

Gihren, who has been monitoring the progress of the situation, decides to join the war in order to crush what he sees as nothing but filthy rebels.

Gihren: Launch an attack on the Titans and AEUG. Bring down the hammer of judgment on those foolish people!

Compared to the Federation campaign, which to some degree follows canon, the Zeon campaign post-OYW is a bit all over the place. In earlier versions of the game, your next opponent would be Casval’s Neo Zeon instead.

Anway, here’s the new map. Our units are shuffled across both Zeon territory in Earth and space. Thankfully, the game gives us a few free turns to move things around and start attacking before our enemies begin to move. After all, if you count the total units in both the Titans and AEUG, we’re technically outnumbered here.

As an added note, in terms of tech levels, the Titans outclass the AEUG and are a bit more of a threat. The strategy here is to attack widely and quickly before either has much chance to retaliate.

For Earth we chose to sweep North and South America before moving east and pinning the enemy at Australia and Hawaii. In space, the AEUG controlled areas aren’t that strongly defended (outside of the moon of course) and it’s not hard to barricade the Titans at Gryps II and the surrounding area.

There aren’t any story events that kick off until turn 120, so in the meantime, some pilot lines from the battles to reclaim territory for Zeon.

Kuzco: Because I love myself… there’s no way I can lose!

Kuzco is an Elmeth pilot from the novel version of Gundam. She also has an interaction with Kamille, I assume since they’re both Newtypes. I’ve noticed there are many cases like this, where if two Newtypes engage in a battle one will comment about being able to sense the other.

Kuzco: Who am I sensing… You can tell… who I am, can’t you…?

The AEUG has a mix of pilots from Zeta and ZZ, including Emary Ounce (the girl who has a crush on Bright in ZZ)

Emary: I… I haven’t even gotten married yet…

And Blex, of course.

Blex: It seems like I’ve been defeated… But… Spacenoids have infinite possibilities, and that hope can’t be snatched away!

Sleggar is here as well, since he survived the One Year War.

Sleggar: Good grief…am I really kicking the bucket in this coffin…

On turn 120 we get contacted by Delaz. He suspects the Titans are developing a new nuclear weapon equipped MS, and wants to send Anavel Gato to infiltrate them and steal it.

Delaz: It appears that they are proceeding with development based on research previously conducted by the Federation Forces. We will continue our investigation.

Essentially, this is the single Stardust Memory related event of this route. You would think the plan would be to steal the Titans Gundam Mk-II, but instead it’s still the GP02A Gundam Physalis. It takes a few turns for the entire sequence to complete, but you’ll get both a completed GP02A unit and the plans to construct more once Gato returns.

Following this, Haman Karn appears. Because we have not yet defeated the Titans or the AEUG, she has offered to lend us the support of Axis.

Haman: I came here from Axis at the behest of my father, Maharaja.

For the time being, Haman, Mashymre Cello, and Chara Soon join the Zeon forces.

I’m not sure if the order you launch the operations against the Titans and AEUG bases changes anything, but for this playthrough we decided to attack the Titans first.

Right after activating the operation to attack Gryps II, something unusual happens. The Murasame Newtype laboratory, which the Titans had been using to create Cyber Newtypes, has been destroyed by a single mysterious mobile suit.

Cecilia: And it was done by just one MS. If this is true… It’s abnormal. Please be careful.

This same unit eventually infiltrates Zeon’s territory, raising the alarm. However, the pilot asks to speak with Gihren.

Zero: Then what’s the matter? That’s not what I want to hear, it’s whether you accept me or not!

This is Zero Murasame. He’s the first Cyber Newtype created by the Murasame Newtype Lab. He harbors a hatred for Zeon due to being traumatized by the events of Operation British, but not nearly as much as he hates the Titans for what they have done to him. He wants the Flanagan Institute to study him, hoping they can find a cure to the instability in his brain as a result of becoming a Cyber Newtype. In exchange, he is willing to share the plans he stole for the Psycho Gundam.

After choosing to accept his offer, a little while later, we get a report on the progress.

Zeon soldier: It is possible to strengthen low-level Newtypes and give them high combat capabilities. Please consider the Newtype reinforcement plan…

While studying Zero, the Flanagan Institute discovers how to make Cyber Newtypes of their own. If you agree to proceed, you will get NT-001 Leila Raymond as a pilot. However, like Zero she is quite unstable, to the point where she develops a split personality, her old self clashing with her artificially implemented desire to fight.

Zero learns of this and feels responsible, after all it’s thanks to the Flanagan Institute studying him that this is all possible. Not wanting there to be any more victims, he calls Gihren and demands Zeon stop making Cyber Newtypes immediately.

Zero: Why did you abuse the data from the research institute?! You promised to find a cure for Cyber Newtypes! So why?!

Gihren: I’m sure I never promised you anything like that. All I promised was to accept you into my army…

If you accept and agree to stop creating Cyber Newtypes, Zero expresses his desire to keep searching for a cure and promises to serve as a soldier in the Zeon army. Both he and Leila join you.

Zero: Okay, now I’m a Zeon soldier! I’ll research a cure before the battle is over! You got that?!

Zero is voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa, who also plays Heero Yuy in Gundam Wing. Leila is played by Miki Itō, voice of Mineva in Zeta/ZZ

If you refuse, Zero and Leila defect and you instead receive the Cyber Newtype pilots NT-002, NT-003, and NT-004.

With that taken care of, on to Gryps II to finish off the Titans.

Lila: That way of understanding makes me feel an involuntary animosity. Is this what it means to be an Oldtype?!

Once the Titans are defeated, there’s a report that Haman’s father has died, and she and her forces have retreated back to Axis.

This leaves only our final confrontation with the AEUG at their base at Granada.

Sayla: I won… but… will even I become like that someday…?

Quattro finally showed up too, so I thought it might be interesting to see what he says to Lalah – which led to something I didn’t even know was possible in this game.

Lalah: Hehe… Even if you’re wearing sunglasses, I know who you are.
Quattro: Heh, I can’t fool Lalah after all…
Lalah: Can you please let me help you? I want to fight together.
Quattro: Yes, it would be reassuring if you came.
Lalah: Thank you.

After this exchange, Quattro and Lalah don’t fight (normally the battle starts after the character(s) speak) and Lalah immediately disappears from the Zeon forces. I assume she defects to the AEUG.

So since I don’t want to lose Lalah yet (I need her for something in part 3), I reloaded my save and let Garma engage Quattro this time. Interestingly, right as I directed his unit to attack, a special dialogue with Dozle started.

Dozle: I’m hoping that you can become a general that can put even me to good use! Don’t die like a dog out there!
Garma: Big brother, you’re such a worrier. It’s okay. Please don’t worry about me too much.

If two characters in your forces know each other and their units are next to each other on the battlefield, sometimes they’ll talk to each other like this.

As for what Garma says to Quattro:

Garma: No way… It’s Char… You can fool others, but you can’t fool me! Come with me, and let’s realize our ideals together!
Quattro: Don’t you understand that I’m your enemy now? That’s why I call you a spoiled kid!

One last interaction, Amuro and Lalah.

Amuro: What is this feeling…

Amuro: Damn… this thing called gravity really does affect the human mind. It seems to have the power to pull you into the depths of the earth…

And with that, the AEUG is defeated, but part 2 isn’t over yet.

This is where the story of this campaign really starts to get confusing. Our next opponent is Haman Karn and Axis Zeon.

In the canon events of Universal Century, the primary goal of Axis Zeon (the first Neo Zeon movement) was the restoration of the Zabi family. Mineva Zabi, Dozle’s daughter, is the last surviving member and serves as their figurehead. So in an alternate timeline where Zeon was victorious in the One Year War and all members of the Zabi family lived, this is all a bit strange. I’m pretty sure Dozle alone would try to level their forces to the ground if he found out Haman kidnapped his daughter.

Confusing story aside, since we’ve been keeping up with our tech levels, this stage isn’t too bad. In the grace period before the enemy attacks, we took back almost all of the territory Axis Zeon stole with ease, so much so that I forgot to screenshot the map. It’s exactly the same as in the Federation scenario however, which you can find here and here, just swap red and blue for green and red and ignore the Garden of Thorns.

Here’s some battle lines for Zero and Leila, since we can use them now.

Zero: You can’t do that because you’ll get in the way!

Leila: Now go, losers turn their tails and run away!

In an odd twist, Glemy Toto suddenly joins our side right as we’re about to attack Haman’s base at Axis. He becomes a pilot for us and brings over plans for the New Zeal, Sturm Diaz, and Quebely.

Zeon soldier: A person calling himself Glemy Toto from Axis has surrendered to our military with blueprints for new mobile suits. Please consider where he will be assigned.

With the new addition of Glemy, on to the final showdown at Axis.

Glemy: Why are you fighting? If you can’t answer, disappear from my presence!

Haman: Me too… I’m still drawn to the Earth’s gravity, so I can’t fly…

With Axis Zeon defeated, that concludes part 2. I’m sure you can guess what’s next…