Welcome to the (actual) doujinshi corner!
Below are links to scanlations of old Gundam doujinshi (pre-1990) from my personal collection.
This is intended to be for archival purposes only, and to share these rare books with an English speaking audience for the first time. A full disclaimer regarding my views on sharing these books can be found on the Respect and Legality page here.
Each title links to each book’s corresponding tag page, where you can view all associated posts in one place.
Please note that certain books are adults only [R18] and should not be accessed by anyone under the age of 18. I have provided content warnings at the beginning of each section.

Anthology published in 1980 by the ガウ特攻隊 (Gaw Special Attack Unit) circle featuring a mix of art and short stories. [R18]

IMAGE! Garma Zabi Image Song Collection
Published by G.GRAPHITY in 1983, this book features art of Garma and Char matched with popular songs of the time, and a few comics as well.

An anthology published by 薔薇色曲馬団 (Rose Tinted Circus Troupe) in 1983. Features mostly gag comics, with many references to pop culture from 1980s Japan.

A mix of short stories and comics, published by G.GRAPHITY in 1987 at the late tail end of the 80s Charma doujinshi boom.

A multi-book series about Char and his…”exploits”, published from 1979-1980 by the circle シャアをネタに遊ぼう会 (Playing Around with Char Group) [R18]